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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


First Contracts: How to Avoid Delay, Disappointment and Decertification

February 04, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

The day a new union is certified, the clock starts ticking. After one year, if there’s no contract, the company gets its next chance to bust the union: a minority of workers can file a petition to decertify, and the Labor Board will schedule another vote. If this is the boss’s game plan—as it was at St. Charles—bargaining is an exercise in dela read more >


Higher Ed’s Biggest Problem: What’s It For?

January 24, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

The release this week of a bill of rights for learning in the digital age was criticized by some who said the document had been put together by a group that didn’t include the very people it is meant to protect: students. The problem is, there is no traditional learner anymore. What’s more, we no longer even have a common definition of “higher education.” The lack of consensus about what the higher-education system in the United States should be producing is largely to blame for the pressures facing colleges and universities today, from lagging financial support to proving their value to students and parents. read more >


Contingent Faculty Should Play Broader Role in Governance, AAUP Says

January 22, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

The American Association of University Professors has released the final version of a report urging colleges to give contingent faculty members an expanded role in governance, arguing that excluding such employees from governance matters is detrimental to the integrity of the academic profession. read more >


New purdue president’s critques of higher education, and of Purdue, strongly resonate at PSU

January 22, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Purdue University’s new president, Mitch Daniels, released an open letter Friday, a week into his presidency, in which he noted that he very much approves of the Purdue tradition of skipping inaugurals. In the letter, he set out a series of strong criticisms of higher education, as well as various expert opinions on why higher education is in for a period of profound and possibly traumatic change. read more >


Federal Court Upholds Wisconsin Law Curtailing Powers of Faculty Unions

January 18, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

A federal appeals court has upheld the entirety of a Wisconsin law curtailing the powers of unions at public colleges and other state agencies. The decision overturns a lower court's invalidation of a provision in the law that requires faculty unions at technical colleges to win re-certification every year. read more >


How California’s Online Education Pilot will end College as we Know it

January 18, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Today, the largest university system in the world, the California State University system, announced a pilot for $150 lower-division online courses at one of its campuses — a move that spells the end of higher education as we know it. Lower-division courses are the financial backbone of many part-time faculty and departments (especially the humanities). As someone who has taught large courses at a University of California, I can assure readers that my job could have easily been automated. Most of college–the expansive campuses and large lecture halls–will crumble into ghost towns as budget-strapped schools herd students online. read more >


Colleges roll back faculty hours in response to Obamacare

January 17, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Fast food restaurants aren't the only places cutting employee hours to avoid paying for health care. College adjunct faculty are also seeing their hours reduced. As employers prepare to implement the Affordable Care Act, it’s not just low-wage fast food workers who are feeling the heat. Adjunct faculty from at least four universities will also see their hours cut as colleges try to reduce the number of full-time employees whose health care they need to cover. read more >

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